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Big Cats of Serengeti & Crater | Amboseli extension - October 2022

Serengeti Big Cat Photo Safari - Tanzania

Posted on 4th May, 2023

Stu Porter

Leopard in tree Ndutu Stu Porter Tanzania
Female Leopard in a Tortillis tree in the Ndutu Woodland, Tanzania


Male lion Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Male Lion in the Serengeti, Tanzania
Lions in tree Wild4 African Photo safaris
Lions resting during the heat of the day in the shade of a tree, Serengeti, Tanzania
Leopard jumping African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
A young Leopard cub leaps from one branch to another, Serengeti, Tanzania
Cheetah Copyright Stu Porter photography Cheetah Serengeti Tanzania
Female Cheetah on termite mound in the Serengeti, Tanzania
Lioness African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Lioness in the Serengeti, Tanzania
Granite Kopjes, Serengeti Wild4 African Photo safaris
Granite outcrops called "Kopjes" are a common feature of the Serengeti in Tanzania
Leopard Sereengeti Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Female Leopard high up in a tree, Serengeti, Tanzania
Lioness Serengeti Wild4 African Photo safaris
A Lioness looks towards some distant prey, Serengeti, Tanzania
Leopard Serengeti African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Male Leopard on a rock at Maasai Kopjes, Serengeti, Tanzania
Leopard yawning Serengeti Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Leopard Yawning, Maasai Kopjes, Serengeti
Leopard in tree Serengeti Wild4 African Photo safaris
Female Leopard resting on a branch in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Herd ElephantsAfrican Photographic tours with Stu Porter
A herd of Elephants near Makhoma Hill in the Serengeti
Cheetah  Serengeti Copyright Stu Porter Photography
The Cheetah that narrowly escaped a male Leopard, Serengeti, Tanzania
Leopard Serengeti Wild4 African Photo safaris
The Male Leopard that was stalking the Cheetah, Serengeti, Tanzania
Cheetah on mound Serengeti African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Cheetah on a termite mound in the Serengeti
Secretary Bird Serengeti Copyright Stu Porter Photography
A Secretary Bird walks through the grass looking for food, Serengeti
Lions on Kopje Serengeti Wild4 African Photo safaris
A pride of Lions walk down from a Kopje where they had been resting, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
European Bee-eater in flight Serengeti African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
European Bee-eater, Serengeti, Tanzania
Lion at sunset, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Male Lion at sunset on the short grass plains near Ndutu, Tanzania
Male Elephant, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
Large Bull Elephant under a massive Tortillis Tree, Ndutu, Tanzania
Thin Pride, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
The three members of the "Thin Pride". Laura, the adult female with two sub adult males - Ndutu, Tanzania
Two Lions, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
The two sub adult males from the "Thin Pride", Ndutu
Male Giraffe, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
A large Maasai Giraffe Bull crosses through the dry marsh in Ndutu
Male Lion , Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
One of the resident adult males of the Ndutu area, Tanzania
d'Arnauds Barbet, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
d'Arnauds Barbet in Ndutu, Tanzania
Male Lions, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
Three of the nomadic male Lions we saw a lot of in Ndutu
One Lion, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Male Lion portrait, Ndutu
Impala, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
East African Impala with a small baby, Ndutu Woodland, Tanzania
Leopard camouflage, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
Female Leopard resting in a tree for shade and camouflage. Ndutu, Tanzania
Lioness portrait, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
One of the Lionesses from the Twin Hill Pride in Ndutu
Lions under tree in shade, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
The Twin Hill Pride resting in the shade of a tree on the short grass plains around Ndutu
Vulture, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
A rare White Headed Vulture, Ndutu
Cheeta with cubs, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Female Cheetah with her cubs out on the open plains searching for their next meal, Ndutu, Tanzania
Elephants in Marsh, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Elephants make their way towards some water in the small marsh, Ndutu
DikDik antelope, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
Female Kirk's DikDik, the smallest antelope in Tanzania with a shoulder height of around 30cm
Liness with collar, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Lioness from the Masek Pride. This pride is monitored closely as they often interact with the Maasai and their cattle, Ndutu
Lion cubs, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Two lion cubs from the Masek Pride, Ndutu
Sunset, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
Sunset near Lake Ndutu, Tanzania
Flamingos flying, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Flamingos in flight, Lake Ndutu, Tanzania
Flamingos, Ndutu  Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Lake Ndutu is a soda lake and attracts many Flamingos
Grant's Gazelle, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
Male Grant's Gazelle walking near the Big Marsh in Ndutu
Impala running, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Male East African Impala at full speed, Ndutu
Dead Cheetah in tree, Ndutu , Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
The first dead Cheetah that we found, was high up in a tree and had been partially eaten by a Leopard
Dead Cheetah in a tree killed by a Leopard, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
This is the Cheetah we saw being killed by a large male Leopard. The Leopard stashed the Cheetah high up in a tree and consumed it all over a few days, Ndutu
Shy male Leopard, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
The large Male Leopard that killed the Cheetah. He was shy and nervous around the vehicles, Ndutu
Leopard on tree, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
We noted that the Leopard was more relaxed in the afternoons, here he is using the vantage point of a fallen tree to keep an eye on his food. Ndutu
Leopard stretching, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
After a good rest and a big stretch, the leopard headed back to feed on the Cheetah. Ndutu, Tanzania
Leopard with Cheetah in tree together, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Leopards often hoist their kills into trees so that other predators & scavengers cannot steal them. It is very unusual to see them feed on other carnivores, but leopards are capable of anything. Ndutu, Tanzania
Steenbok , Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Female Steenbok Antelope, Ndutu Tanzania
Lion in Marsh , Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
One of the sub-adult male Lions from the "Thin Pride" at the small Marsh, Ndutu
Safari vehicle, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Lions walk past our safari vehicle, Ndutu
Buffalo, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Cape Buffalo with a Yellow-Billed OxPecker, Ndutu
Lions drinking, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
The three members of the "Thin Pride" stop for a drink at the small marsh, Ndutu
Lions, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
The "Thin Pride", Ndutu Tanzania
Elephants, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Herd of Elephants walking through the Woodland, Ndutu
Giraffe drinking, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
Male Giraffe lifting up after drinking water at the Big Marsh in Ndutu
Sunrise at Lake Ndutu, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Sunrise over the Flamingo covered Lake ndutu
Elephants, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Elephants with a small baby, Ndutu
Male Lion, Ndutu Wild4 African Photo safaris
One of the nomadic male Lions in pursuit of Laura from the "Thin Pride", Ndutu
Male Lion running, Ndutu African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
A second nomadic Lion running to catch up with the first. Ndutu, Tanzania
Male Lions, Ndutu Copyright Stu Porter Photography
The two Nomadic Male lions together, cautiously approaching Laura, the Lioness from the "Thin Pride". Ndutu Tanzania
Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania Wild4 African Photo safaris
The Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
Caracal at Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
A rare sighting of a Caracal in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
Two buffalo Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
Two Cape Buffalo inside the Crater, Tanzania
Wild4 African Photo safaris
The view from Engitati Hill which is inside the Crater, Tanzania
Lioness Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Lioness in the Crater, Tanzania
Lioness stalking in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Lioness begins to stalk towrds some prey, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
Zebra dust bathing Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania Wild4 African Photo safaris
Zebra having a dust bath to remove parasites, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
Crater in dry season Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
The Ngorongoro Crater during the dry season, Tanzania
Amboseli Mount Kilimanjaro Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Elephants head towards Mount Kilimanjaro in Amboseli National Park, Kenya
Sunset at Amboseli, Kenya Wild4 African Photo safaris
Sunset in Amboseli, Kenya
Dead trees Amboseli, Kenya African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Dead Yellow Bark Acacia Trees in Amboseli, Kenya
Three Giraffe on the dry lake Amboseli, Kenya African Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Three Giraffe walking across the dry Amboseli Lake in Kenya
Palm Trees Amboseli, Kenya African Wild4 African Photo safaris
Palm Trees at sunset in Amboseli, Kenya
Elephant with funny tusk Amboseli, Kenya African African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
Female Elephant with one tusk facing backwards, Amboseli Kenya
Bull ElephantAmboseli, Kenya African Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Large Bull Elephant near the Fever Tree Forest in Amboseli
Baby Spotted hyaena Wild4 African Photo safaris
A small Spotted Hyaena Cub in Amboseli
African Civet rare sighting Amboseli, Kenya African African Photographic tours with Stu Porter
A very rare sighting of an African Civet during the day. They are mostly nocturnal and very shy. Amboseli Kenya
Giraffe at Mount Kilimanjaro Amboseli, Kenya African Copyright Stu Porter Photography
Maasai Giraffe crossing in front of Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya